Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Endings, New Beginnings and Maintaining My Serenity.

Well it's the end of the year and the beginning of a new one.  It's time to reflect on what brought us joy, happiness, sadness and even a little fear in the past year and how we can move forward into 2015 with serenity.

For me it has been a fascinating year.  It's been a year of finding my strengths, locating my triggers and deciding that no matter what happens I can no longer allow myself to submit to everyone else's will.  I have learned that the most important person in my life is me and that if I am happy with myself then I can easily bring that spirit to others that surround me.  There are times I have wondered why it has taken me so very long to get to this point.  I was always trying to please everyone else, my parents, my siblings, my husband, my children, my friends and my business colleagues, but never myself and this has been an amazing realization.  I'd like to think that it has changed me for the better.

This blog is about finding serenity in the world that surrounds you, but you are the only one that can provide the serenity to yourself.  You must look at the pieces of the world around you and the pieces of the world within you.  If you are not content with yourself then it is the perfect time to look carefully and find out the why.  Once you can let these feelings go you might be able to located your serenity.

In 2014 I moved forward with my life plan, yes I was scared and yes it was a difficult task, but moving forward was the only way for me to survive, mentally, emotionally and yes physically.  I will explain a little more so that you understand these pieces.  In an effort to determine how much of a risk I wanted to take with my life journey I first had to remove the toxic thoughts from my emotional being.  I had to come to grips with the fact that I really had a somewhat poor body image, that I wasn't physically unattractive and that being short was really ok and that my hair was always going to be straight.  Thanks to a helpful sister and niece I have learned how to dress - that color is a good thing and comfort is not an issue.  I have also learned that it's perfectly fine to dress for me and not anyone else right down to the intimates.  I also have learned not to take any crap or negativity from family, friends and colleagues.  Now I stand up for myself and stand up for my beliefs.  It's amazing what a sense of serenity that alone can bring.

So in 2015 let's all move forward on our paths to serenity.  Search for it each and every day, search for it in yourself and in the search you might also locate your happiness.


Serenity, Change and Forward Thinking

Each year as the new year starts everyone always asks, what are your resolutions for this new year and I say, "I don't do resolutio...