Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Serenity, Change and Forward Thinking

Each year as the new year starts everyone always asks, what are your resolutions for this new year and I say, "I don't do resolutions".  I've always thought that the term resolutions is a immediate set-up for failure, I really don't think anyone can say that they've accomplished all of their resolutions at the end of a year, but if you did-more power to you.  I'm very impressed.

So instead I always say, "that I'm going to work towards...that way I haven't exactly failed at my goals".

2024 will be an interesting year, I think.  We'll have a contentious election, no matter what side your on, we will still be in the midst of dangerous climate change weather systems, healthcare, economy, poverty, food insecurity and crime (the last 5 are all interconnected) and it's a driving force in what I choose to work towards - changing the dynamic.

So, you probably asking yourself, how does this actually relate to serenity?  Well, that's a complicated answer.  Every morning I wake up filled with hope for the day, but somewhere along the way, it gets murky and although by the time I get to the evening news I'm usually exhausted by the world around me.  Last evening it was filled with one horrifying story after another and it's not until the very end that you get a feel good story, usually about an unknown hero who's tried to make their corner of the world a little more joyous.  Why do we have to wait until 6:58 pm for this story?  I propose that we make our own story more compassionate, more joyous, and filled with just a little bit of daily serenity.

There's an old saying, "life is what you make it" I say let's make 2024 a year of compassion, let's attempt to find ways to help those in our local communities, give back, volunteer, and you will find serenity in the feeling of knowing that others in your circle have your friendship, your compassion, your caring.

Serenity is all around you if you just stop looking for the joys of your life.

Let me know your thoughts and comments.

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Serenity, Change and Forward Thinking

Each year as the new year starts everyone always asks, what are your resolutions for this new year and I say, "I don't do resolutio...