Over the weekend, I spent a lot of time outside - walking, sitting on my deck or sitting at my desk with the sliders open to the backyard. The world was beautiful, but in a solemn way. Sun was shining, breeze blowing, birds chirping, colors abound, but there was a stillness to it all, people were not really outside enjoying the days and that's sad. Covid-19 has changed our landscape and it's changed our lives forever.
Change can be good or change can be bad, but change is always difficult. We have our minds set on how things should be and we don't want change, but change is inevitable and we must learn to accept things we can't control. Some people have a very hard time with this concept. I personally have a high tolerance for change. I like certain things to be done a certain way but when something happens to upend that I don't usually freak out. There are people in my life who cannot bend, who become stuck in a mindframe and can't or better yet won't leave it. So how do you get around that?
Over the past couple of months I have found that it's sometimes just easier to ignore it that try to convince the other person to look at things differently. When someone is so dug in there's really not much you can do about it without bringing yourself into that vortex. So I ignore, I walk away or I go for a walk or I go somewhere else in the house and bury myself in my Kindle app.
One thing I have learned from this exploration of finding serenity is that why I can give you all suggestions based on what I do to find serenity, I cannot find it for you. When the people surrounding me get to be too much, too much negativity, too much talking and not enough listening than the best thing I can do for myself and for the other person, is to walk away.
In this very strange time we are now engrossed in, finding serenity in the moment is imperative. We need to find a way out of the negativity, out of the sadness, out of the constant news cycles and move into a way we can bring back the joy, the beauty and the serenity into our lives on a daily basis.
Join me in the quest. Send me your ideas, your comments and your thoughts.
Take a deep cleansing breath, go outside and watch the world go by, enjoy the sounds of birds, of the quiet, enjoy the sunlight, enjoy the rain, enjoy the blooming flowers and trees. All of this might help you locate your serene place. I know that it helps me.
Find your serenity from within yourself.
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Serenity, Change and Forward Thinking
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