Monday, June 16, 2014

Serenity and Life Mottos

So today I took one of those quirky online quizzes - it was supposed to clue me in on what my life's motto should be.  This is what I got - 
"If you can dream it you can achieve it" - Always dare to dream, because even though it's hard for you to believe it right now, your craziest, most wonderful dreams might actually come true.

So what I want to know is - is this really a life motto? Shouldn't we always just try to go after our dreams?

I do have a confession though for most of my life I'm fairly certain that I simply pushed my dreams aside to do what was expected of me. It's only been relatively recent that I have learned to put aside my fears of what will everyone think of me and just simply go after what I want out of life.
It's interesting that in changing the course and direction of my life I have become more involved with life that surrounds me, more involved with people and more in touch with my need to be happy with who I have become.

I am no longer allowing anyone to walk over me or insist that this is what's best for me.  Now I will listen to their suggestions but if I don't feel it's in my best interest I will let them know, in a nice way.  It has taken me quite a few years to learn to be my own best advocate, my own best bud, but I think I have finally arrived.  

I know that sometimes I slip into my old ways, but here's the thing I now know that I can reverse the situation and stand up for myself.  Life sometimes has a way of showing us how to move forward, the key is to recognize when you need to step towards a new dream and when to push back and move away from the old one.

Move forward and you will be moving toward your serenity.  I truly believe in myself and that feels me with serenity each and every day.

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