Monday, January 9, 2017

Serenity in New Year Resolutions

So, it's the beginning of a New Year and it's the time of year when everyone asks - What are your New Year's resolutions and while I understand the concept I really don't like to make new year's resolutions.

I actually prefer to make a new day resolution.  I mean why set yourself up for an entire year, why not simply wake up each day and say, "what is my resolution for today?"  Small goals, small steps I believe will provide a greater sense of achievement.  When I woke up this morning my immediate thought was that today I would begin to work through the corrections and comments that have been made to a document I recently wrote, that I would walk around the neighborhood (even though it's very cold), get fresh air and exercise and how did I actually begin the day - by looking out the sliding glass doors to the deck and seeing the most beautiful sunrise.  How can you not be filled with joy and serenity when your day begins with nature's beauty?

So if anyone asks me what my New Year's resolutions are I will simply say, "it's my goal to find joy and serenity each and everyday of my life."  I will wake up tomorrow and look forward to the day, because I know how to find my joy, how to locate my serenity and how to see beauty even in the cold rain or grey days winter.

This should be everyone's New Year's resolutions:
FIND JOY, LOCATE YOUR SERENITY AND SEE BEAUTY ALL AROUND YOU!  Not just once in awhile but each morning, each afternoon and each evening before you get into bed.


It is my goal to try a post to this blog a lot more frequently, perhaps even weekly.

1 comment:

  1. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do


Serenity, Change and Forward Thinking

Each year as the new year starts everyone always asks, what are your resolutions for this new year and I say, "I don't do resolutio...