Saturday, May 13, 2017

Serenity, Mother's Day and Hockey

Okay so first let's talk about finding serenity when it's the Stanley Cup Playoffs,  I'm a hockey fan.  I have been a hockey fan for a long time and yes I will admit that it's not a very serene sport, but you know what, I think that's okay.  You can always find serenity while being a sports fan, it's knowing that the excitement of the sport is but a fleeting moment and after the rush, there's the time to find your serenity and take a deep cleansing breathe.

I love the excitement of the Stanley Cup playoffs especially when I team I support is in it, so I get happy and tense and occasionally angry but when the game is over and the t.v. is off then I take a very deep cleansing breathe, close my eyes and bring myself back into serenity.  I always want a win but if it doesn't happen I will still be able to find my serenity.

Onto a more happy topic - Mother's Day.  Yes I am a mother and yes I'm obviously a daughter, my mother is very much alive and very much a part of my life.  This is a day that has always confused me.  For a couple of hours we "honor" our mothers but what does that mean and shouldn't we be honoring them everyday we are alive?

My mother is one of the most giving beings I have known, she has always gone out of her way for others, right down to making sure that there was food on the table for you if you were vegetarian or allergic.  Every friend we had growing up became a part of our family and our spouses were immediately her sons or daughters.  Each time I shop for her or take her to an appointment the conversation is always either about one of her friends, or her grandchildren or what she learned last night at a lecture, concert or meeting.  What makes her happy - phone calls from her grandchildren, cards or notes from family and friends or short visits from her friends.  That's what her Mother's Day is all about.

I did not ask my mother what she wanted for mother's day this year, I am fairly certain that I know what she wants and it's not something that I can actually provide, but I will do my best to be with her and enjoy her love and passions when I'm with her tomorrow.  I know that my children will call, chat with me, make me laugh and bring me joy.

When my kids were young I always enjoyed the homemade cards and the breakfast they made with help from their dad along with the presents and the freshly picked bouquets (sometimes of dandelions), but as they got older and started asking me what I wanted for Mother's Day or my birthday which is shortly after I began to say the immortal words that I think most mothers say, "there's nothing I really need, just you."  But what are we really saying when we spout those words?  I have decided that we really want our kids to think for themselves, use some of that amazing brainpower we have instilled in you and try to determine what would fill your mother with joy.

This will be my serenity tomorrow and it's what I will remember each day until the next time I talk with my kids, with my mother, with my family, with my friends and of course my spouse.

So this week find your serenity in surrounding yourself with family and friends.  Find joy, find peace and find your serenity.

Happy Mother's Day and onto the Stanley Cup!

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