Saturday, October 28, 2017

Finding Serenity in Beauty

Over the past several weeks I have found a passion to photograph sunsets and once in a great while sunrise.  There is just full beauty and a lasting serenity in a magnificent sunset.

When I look at the photos I have taken I'm overwhelmed by the simple beauty of a sunset.  I look at the sky and wonder how this color spectrum appears and why is it different every time.  I don't really want technical answers to these questions but would rather enjoy the complexity of each sunset.

When you look at these 2 photos taken this past week how can you not find wonder, beauty and serenity in sunsets.

My recommendation take a moment this week to go outside at sunset and just enjoy the beauty, the quiet and the absolute wonder that surrounds you.

Have an amazing week-filled with colors, with beauty, with serenity and with joy.

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