So it's been a little while since I last posted and I have to say that over the past few weeks I have noticed an uptake in people being surly, mean, nasty and cold-hearted towards their fellow human beings. It's disturbing and not at all in the realm of serenity.
What has happened to civility in the USA?
This past weekend was the first time in a while that discussions focused on the good of a person and that's only because he passed away. At what point in our daily lives do we focus on the good of our world?
We need to bring back into focus civility in our daily lives, we need to look for the good and not overwhelm ourselves with nasty words, hatred and meanness.
It's exhausting and it's futile. What does all this nastiness bring us, but more nastiness and more sadness.
During the past week I went on a mission with one of my siblings to visit the grave sites of our parents, grandparents, and several aunts who didn't have children. It's amazing the sense of serenity you can find when standing before the tombstone of close member of the immediate family. You want to believe that they have gone to a much better place, where there's no health issues, no outright hatred, no nasty voices just calmness and serenity.
The 3 different cemeteries we visited each had their own distinct feeling to them, but I think I was most moved by standing in front of my parents grave. It was the anniversary of my mother's death, 1 year ago and as I stood there thinking back on how my mother gave of herself to others, how she was known throughout the community for what she gave back, not only financially but also of her time. She was loved and honored by many, many people from her children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, students, friends and the community that surrounded her. Not a week goes by when someone doesn't approach to tell me how much they miss my mother. My father was the same way.
We need more people to be like my parents. People to see the good in us. People who don't want to change the world but just make it a more civil place to live.
So my advice, go to the cemetery and stand before a loved one's grave and see if you can feel the serenity that surrounds you in that realm. Think about what they would be feeling if they were still present in this volatile world.
In order to maintain serenity we must let go of the negative. So instead of hurtful language, try a smile, instead of nastiness let's try civility. It will bring us serenity.
Take a deep deep breath, close your eyes and feel the beauty that will always surround us if we let it.
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