This is the time of year when some people look back over the past year, re access their priorities, ask forgiveness from those they have wronged and look forward to moving into a new phase of life.
Since March we have all had to face drastic change, change in the way we live our everyday lives, change in the way we interact with our friends, our community, our spirituality, the world that surrounds us. We are constantly bombarded with news, political, pandemic, racial injustice and inequality, poverty, food insecurity and for some of us unemployment. It's submerging us into constant negativity.
How can we begin to extricate ourselves from this force of ever swarming negativism?
I personally have made it a goal to not focus on the constant barrage of news, but instead spend time reading, walking, photographing sunsets or watching Netflex, Disney+, Hulu or classical movie/Broadway musicals (I know it's sappy but it makes me smile). My other enjoyment is watching my soon to be 1 year old grandchild enjoy the wonder of the world in their own home, along with strolls to the park. (I want to thank Apple for the invention of FaceTime)😊. There's nothing that can bring a smile of joy to my face quicker that watching an almost toddler decide that the best sound in the world is running their fingers over their parents metal water bottles, or standing up by the tv screen to dance along with the music, how can you not smile and laugh and that untarnished joy?
Each and every day we must find a way to break away from the negative world around us and instead find just one thing to bring forth that smile, that laugh, that sigh of contentment. It's the only way we will be able to move forward with whatever the year brings us. Look outside your window and see the sun, the clouds, see a rainbow, see the rain but also see the joy that we can have if we only try.
Serenity is a powerful feeling if we choose to allow ourselves the ability to accept it. So let's all try to find the joy, find the happiness, find the serenity in our lives at least once a day.
Take a step away from the negative world, take a walk and see the quiet, take of photo of the natural world of beauty that's outside your home, read a powerful uplifting book, watch a goofy comedy or classical movie musical, or even read a romance novel where at the end of all the strife there's a HEA(happy ever after). I know that this helps me. I love doing each of these activities and they help me end the negativity in my day.
So my advice at this time of reflection, take a breath, locate what fills you with joy and find your serenity each and every day.
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