Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Finding Serenity might be a little easier.

 Although I've made mention in previous blogs about the chaotic nature of the world, I truly feel that today the world took a collective sigh and a deep cleansing breathe that hopefully we can began to heal on multiple levels.

I realized this morning watching the inauguration of our new president that for the first time in very long while it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.  I know that I'm not in the political realm but we have all been cast in to it by circumstances.

Yes, there will be tough times ahead and yes we will still struggle to locate our serenity but perhaps it will be a little bit easier to find it this time.

I will be looking for my serenity during each and every day and I hope that my blog followers will do their best to locate theirs as well.

On this day of the collective sigh, be grateful for the ability to live in a democracy, find joy and bring serenity to our daily lives.

Look for a new blog soon.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy and Find Your Serenity.

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